Beauty Junkie

Archive for the ‘Purple Polish’ Category

Hello Holo: Beautiful Nail Design using China Glaze OMG

In China Glaze, Hologram Polish, Konad Nail Art, Purple Polish, Silver Polish on 02/03/2010 at 1:04 am

Konadomania would like to know what you think about her featured Konad nail art and how you feel about her color combination. I personally love it and think it’s gorgeous, but I’m sure she’d love to hear your thoughts as well. Also, while your there be sure to read about her intended giveaway for her wonderful followers.

Rimmel Violet Metal Swatches

In Purple Polish, Rimmel Polish on 01/31/2010 at 2:36 pm

Rimmel Violet Metal Swatches from

This reminds me a bit of the Scrangie polish.

NFU Oh 51 Polish Swatches

In NFU Oh Polish, Purple Polish on 01/19/2010 at 10:51 am

These NFU Oh polish swatches are absolutely gorgeous!  To check out more Visit Here.

China Glaze Octa Gone Wild

In China Glaze, Purple Polish on 01/19/2010 at 10:35 am

Hi guys!

This weekend has been super hectic, and I didn’t manage to get anything done which means no Orly swatches yet =( But I’ve got tomorrow off work so I’m gonna try and get all of them done in the morning. Today I’m wearing an “old classic”, kind of, Octa Gone Wild from China Glaze’s Kaleidoscope collection.

China Glaze Octa Gone Wild

China Glaze Octa Gone Wild -low light

This is the only colour I own from the collection, and I regret not buying the rest. Think a few colours are still available at some e-tailers though…. Click for More

Scherer Chameleon Duo Chrome in Calypso

In Duo Chromes, Purple Polish on 01/13/2010 at 3:18 am

If you love duo chrome polishes and purple is your color, you might just want to check out Scherer’s Chameleon polish in Calypso.  Giving off pretty shades of metallic lilac, purple, and silver , it’s definitely an eye-catching color.  And with a price that averages at only $3 per bottle, Calypso would make a nice addition to any polish collection.

via polishSWATCHES: Scherer Chameleon Duo Chrome in Calypso.